Welcome to the TUG Insurgency Community!
TUG was born after the old Tuggerhosting servers shut down in late 2020. While not a drop-in replacement for Tuggerhosting, my aim was to provide a similar experience while also updating some of the theater items and actually maintaining some sort of administrative presence on the servers by empowering the players themselves.
Have fun, don't be a dick, and we'll see you on the servers!
Windows 11 players with the 24H2 update (Blue Screen/BSOD): you probably will need to uninstall BattlEye with steamapps\common\insurgency2\BattlEye\Uninstall_BattlEye.bat
and whenever you launch the game, just click cancel on the BattlEye installer.
Due to increased amounts of players spamming/wasting Artillery, the available amount has been reduced from 8 to 4 per map. Plan accordingly…
Don’t click links from steam friends asking you to vote on something! They are a scam! A recent Steam Vote Scam example
Hate Reconnecting: Log in (via Steam) and get the smoke particles from your profile on here! Details on Discord.
MG Spam: Machine Guns (MK46/M240/M60/M249/MG42) account for ***A HUGE PORTION***
of TKs and therefore have been neutered (10sec max spray).